ECO-VALLE project, an alternative for rural tourism. Its impact from the University


  • Rodríguez-Gardó Lesvia Leonides Centro Universitario Municipal Julio Antonio Mella. Trinidad, Cuba.
  • Albert-Rodríguez Anayansi Centro Universitario Municipal Julio Antonio Mella. Trinidad, Cuba.
  • Águila-Turiño Eduardo Rafael Centro Universitario Municipal Julio Antonio Mella. Trinidad, Cuba.
  • La Villa-Rodríguez Orelbis Francisco Jefe del Proyecto de Desarrollo Local “ECO-VALLE”. Trinidad, Cuba.



project, orange economy, circular economy, sustainble development


The ECO-VALLE local development project is located in the Valle de los Ingenios, a World Heritage Site, in the city of Trinidad de Cuba. This article aims to show the development of sustainable agroenergy productions in the “El Vallecito” community for the supply of ecological bars. The project contemplates the application of Permaculture as a system of agricultural, economic, political and social design principles based on the patterns and characteristics of the natural ecosystem, through the production of chemical-free organic foods and the intelligent use of renewable energy. to promote creative economies, orange tourism and gastronomic route tourism. It is based on the circular economy in its concept of sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, renewing and recycling existing materials and products as many times as possible, to create added value. Methods at the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used. The methodology used was qualitative. The production of organic, chemical-free foods was achieved and the use of renewable energy was achieved to boost the creative economy; the network of bars was created for the marketing of harvested products. The Vallecito areas were reforested with the use of new ecological practices.

Keywords: project, orange economy, circular economy, sustainble development.



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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Gardó, L. L., Albert-Rodríguez, A., Águila-Turiño, E. R., & La Villa-Rodríguez, O. F. (2024). ECO-VALLE project, an alternative for rural tourism. Its impact from the University. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 7(14), 2–21.