The Mortiño as Cultural Heritage and its Impact on Culinary Innovation


  • Rea Francia Instituto Superior Tecnológico CENESTUR. Quito, Ecuador.
  • Díaz Paúl Instituto Superior Tecnológico CENESTUR. Quito, Ecuador.
  • Herrera Roberto Instituto Superior Tecnológico CENESTUR. Quito, Ecuador.



Food Cultural Heritage, Innovation, Mortiño, Endemic Foods


The objective of the research was to determine how the cultural heritage of mortiño influences culinary innovation. The specific objectives were to analyze the heritage and cultural value of mortiño and to design a proposal that generates gastronomic innovation from the mortiño product. A mixed-method approach was applied in this research, utilizing a methodology based on the situational cultural diagnosis of mortiño and the design of culinary innovation proposals using the mortiño product. This involved experimentation and evaluation through expert tasting. The scope of the research is the contribution to food sovereignty and sustainability in accordance with SDGs 2, 3, 12, and 13. Mortiño, as an endemic fruit of the Andean region, is considered a heritage product. The use of mortiño flour as a leavening agent does not present a significant contribution in the bread-making process. However, mortiño flour is considered an alternative source of dietary fiber for bread making, providing nutritional and sensory benefits. In conclusion, the use of mortiño as cultural heritage contributes to sustainability, promotes the consumption and dissemination of the use of endemic foods, and guarantees biodiversity.

Keywords: Food Cultural Heritage, Innovation, Mortiño, Endemic Foods.


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How to Cite

Rea, F., Díaz, P., & Herrera, R. (2024). The Mortiño as Cultural Heritage and its Impact on Culinary Innovation. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 7(13), 35–47.