Characterization of piped water for human consumption in the Commune of Manantiales del Cantón Montecristi

Investigation article


  • Pierre Andrés González-Cabo Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Carrera de Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Israel Steven Tello-Sasahuay Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Carrera de Ingeniería en Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Manta, Ecuador.


groundwater, well, Manantiales, community, environmental standards


The present research project was carried out in the municipality of Manantiales of the canton Montecristi, and as a purpose was carried out to determine the characterization of the piped water that supplies the community from the distributor located in an underground well located in the mentioned municipality until its final consumer. This water is extracted, stored and distributed without any treatment, where the physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics necessary for the human consumption were realized, that would pose a risk to the health of the inhabitants.

For this purpose, 3 sampling points, for reference to the well, the storage system and the final consumer, were analyzed for 3 weeks with a frequency of 7 days, samples were taken in triplicate, with a total of 27 samples collected during the Months of August and September of 2016 to know the characteristics of the water was analyzed physical parameters such as: color, smell, taste, turbidity, total dissolved solids, temperature, conductivity. Parameters of chemical character such as: alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine, pH, orthophosphates, ammonium, salinity and microbiological parameters such as total coliforms. The values were verified with the maximum permissible limits of the current quality standards of water for human consumption, INEN and TULSMA standards.

In general, these waters presented physical properties, moderately turbid with a hardness taste, although a significant odor was not found. The average temperature is 25.42 ° C and the pH varies from 7.97 to 9.12, with low levels of chlorine and an average salinity of 756.37mg /; But there were high concentrations of turbidity, hardness and ammonium that are above the limit allowed, within the microbiological analyzes present total coliforms, in breach of the current quality standard.On the other hand, with the help of the analyzes of the municipality of Montecristi in the rainy season, in February 2016 the temporal variation was compared with significant changes according to their seasonal variation, with the increase of concentrations in the month of February corresponding to the rainy season and an decrease in the dry season months of August and September, due to the concentration of rainfall, runoff, which infiltrate the water table in addition to a deteriorated infrastructure and poor management of the water resource.

 Therefore, it is concluded that the water of the commune of Manantiales of the canton Montecristi, province of Manabí. It is classified as water not suitable for human consumption.

Keywords: groundwater, well, Manantiales, community, environmental standards.


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How to Cite

González-Cabo, P. A., & Tello-Sasahuay, I. S. (2018). Characterization of piped water for human consumption in the Commune of Manantiales del Cantón Montecristi: Investigation article. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 1(2), 22–30. Retrieved from