Monitoring of the contamination by leakage generated in the sanitary landfill of the public company EMASA del Cantón Santa Elena, Province of Santa Elena – Ecuador
Investigation article
Leachate monitoring, Urban Solid Waste, Sanitary landfill, Soil pollution, EMASA Public CompanyAbstract
The aim of this research was to monitor the contamination of leachates generated at sanitary landfill of EMASA public company in Santa Elena city, it allowed to get the following results from analyzes carried out by accredited laboratory and application of the T-Student equation. BOD5 42,700 mg / L; COD, 5 9381.2 mg / L, SS 816 mg / L; SD 29,200 mg / L, pH 8.28, T 25.8 ° C; Pb 0.5 mg / L; Hg 0.5 mg / L, NTU 1.142; Color 86,000 mg / L, however smell does not have a measure. These values exceed the contamination level as established Book VI of TULSMA for discharges of wastewater into bodies of fresh water. The physical-chemical treatment applied in this investigation was obtained a removal effectiveness of 78% in suspended solids and 22% of liquid present in the leachates.
Keywords: Leachate monitoring: Urban Solid Waste, Sanitary landfill, Soil pollution, EMASA Public Company.
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