


Self-assessment, Communicative competence, Developing learning


This article was aimed at offering orientations to professors for the development of self-assessment focused on the result of learning from 2 stages: planning and executing. The theory related to self-assessment, communicative competence and developing learning were taken as principles from a functional communicative perspective, based on the study of the structures of meaning. Methods such as analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and techniques like the interview and observation were used, which allowed an holistic approach of the object of study, centered upon determining the inadequacies of professors to guide the process of self-assessment as another alternative of assessment, favoring the students’ interest in learning a language from self-regulation. The result consisted in the preparation of a guide for the orientation of self-assessment of the students, composed of 2 stages, a first one called planning which includes intellectual, emotional and social aspects of the students, and the other one is executing, which has tasks that allow the student to self-regulate consciously. The conclusions generalize the actions of each of the stages in this guide.

Keywords: Self-assessment, Communicative competence, Developing learning.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Robles, S., Ley-Valdés, S., & Águila-Vega, M. E. (2023). GUIDE FOR THE SELF-ASSESSSMENT OF THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS IN LANGUAGES. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(11), 162–172.