Response to chemical and organic fertilization of the Tusilla corn variety under the conditions of the Ecuadorian Amazon




maíz, fertilización, rendimiento, área foliar, tasa de asimilación neta.


The cultivation of corn in the Amazon region of Ecuador is of great importance for food security and sustainable development, especially when considering the Tusilla Creole variety, specifically adapted to these environmental conditions. The study focused on investigating the response of the native corn variety to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Morphological and physiological evaluations were carried out at intervals of 15, 45 and 75 days after germination, using 5 randomly selected plants per plot. The results obtained showed that, despite the variations observed in vegetative growth and leaf development under different fertilization regimes, as manifested in plant height and leaf area, no statistically significant differences were found regarding the economic and agricultural returns.

Keywords: corn, fertilization, yield, leaf area, net assimilation rate.


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How to Cite

Alba-Rojas, J. L., Alemán-Pérez, . R., & Galeano-Montero, K. (2023). Response to chemical and organic fertilization of the Tusilla corn variety under the conditions of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 6(12), 2–11.