Determination of environmental liabilities on the banks of the Puca River of the Olmedo Canton

Investigation article


  • Juan Manuel Guerrero-Calero Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas y de la Agricultura, Jipijapa, Ecuador


Environmental liability, banks of the river Puca, physical analysis, human settlements


The river Puca of Olmedo canton, has human settlements on its banks, which lead to the occurrence of environmental liabilities. That is why in the present investigation we set out to determine the environmental liabilities found on the banks of the river, using geographic information systems to obtain a record of existing environmental liabilities. For the determination of these polluting agents, a route was established that was carried out through the river bank, from its beginning to the mouth, to identify, characterize each of them, in order to know if the degree of contamination of this one It is critical or not.  A physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis was also carried out in order to identify if the water body due to environmental liabilities complies with the permissible limits of Table 3 of Book VI Annex I, Admissible Quality Criteria for the Preservation of flora and fauna in fresh, cold or warm waters, and in marine and estuary waters of the Unified Text of Environmental Secondary Legislation (T.U.L.S.M.A). Once the analysis of the weighting of the environmental liabilities reported in the area of influence of the project was carried out, the moderate or non-critical index reached the highest value with a weight of 91.66% and the critical index 8.33%.

Keywords: Environmental liability, banks of the river Puca, Olmedo canton, bacteriological, physical analysis, human settlements.


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How to Cite

Guerrero-Calero, J. M. (2019). Determination of environmental liabilities on the banks of the Puca River of the Olmedo Canton: Investigation article. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 2(3), 13–19. Retrieved from