communities, agrarian development, rural development, rural areaAbstract
This paper seeks to present a theoretical reflection on agricultural development in rural areas. The economic, social and cultural processes of our days have been strongly influenced and impacted by globalization. The current agricultural scenario, with an increasingly globalized environment and in which producer aid has been constantly reduced in recent years, marks new challenges for the agricultural sector. The rural world has perhaps been one of the scenarios in which such processes are exacerbated; there, the inequalities and the limitations that their human groups must face when it comes to assuming the challenges of the new world orders, and even more so in the agrarian aspect due to the increase in population, become very evident. Talking about the current conditions of rural development necessarily implies approaching the problems of rural populations, which, in general, are the most vulnerable communities, represented by peasants, women, indigenous people and Afro-descendants.
Keywords: communities, agrarian development, rural development, rural area.
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