

water, crop, corn, moisture


The lack of water is the most limiting factor in corn production, when there is water stress during the early stages of cultivation it can cause loss of young plants, also in the flowering stages corn is very sensitive to water stress, so which grain yield is seriously affected (Deras, 2012). The water needs of crops are related to various factors, among them is the climate, and water waste, in addition to the state of the development phases of the crop; since all these components make it easier to conserve moisture in the root system of plants. It is important to know the crop coefficient (Kc) which is an important parameter for management, programming, since water extraction varies from one period to another. Knowledge of the adequate water requirement for crops is essential to improve the efficiency of irrigation systems, providing the plantation with the amount of water necessary to meet its needs; since, an excess of irrigation can cause, among other things, the washing of fertilizers, while a supply of water less than the needs of the crop can cause a water deficit; and with it, a decrease in production. It must be periodically replenished to the soil so as not to damage the productive potential of the plant, the crop coefficient (kc) being a value used to calculate the amount of water that must be applied through the different irrigation systems.

Keywords: water, crop, corn, moisture.


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How to Cite

Tarazona-Meza, N. L., Chavarría-Párraga, J. E., & Moreira-Saltos, J. R. (2022). CORN CULTIVATION AND ITS WATER NEEDS IN MANABÍ, ECUADOR. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 5(9), 2–11. Retrieved from