The dialectical method in the anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of solid waste

Investigation article



Solid urban waste, anaerobic digestion, separate phases, dialectical method


The management of solid waste has become a relevant topic of growing interest in the scientific community interested in this topic, given that the difficulty of its management and treatment, which generates complex damage to the environment, is public knowledge. This work has the objective of analyzing the anaerobic digestion process of urban solid waste in Manta, from the assumption of the dialectical method. Among the results, it stands out that: The anaerobic digestion process in separate phases is a novel scheme that maintains two reactors in series, in which the acidogenesis and methanogenesis phases are carried out, respectively. From the analysis carried out, it is confirmed that one of the possible response alternatives to reduce the problem in the organic fraction of MSW is the discovery of an energy procedure, through its treatment by biogas.

Keywords: Solid urban waste; anaerobic digestion; separate phases, dialectical method.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Menéndez, M. B., Contreras-Moya, A. M., Santos-Herrero, R. F., Regla-Domínguez, E. R., & Cárdenas-Ferrer, T. M. (2020). The dialectical method in the anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of solid waste: Investigation article. Revista De Ciencias Agropecuarias ALLPA. ISSN: 2600-5883., 3(6), 33–49. Retrieved from