



hypoxia, physiological training, hypobaric chamber, naval aviation


This paper covers the importance of training in a hypobaric chamber for the professional development of naval aviators. Hypoxia is a common disease in aviation as it is an activity that is performed at high altitudes, therefore, the training of the flight crew is oriented, among other influential factors for the realization of a safe flight, to the development and recognition of the physiology of each individual. The objective of this article is to determine the importance of hypobaric chamber training for the professional development of naval aviators through the analysis of the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on the human being.

Keywords: hypoxia, physiological training, hypobaric chamber, naval aviation.


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How to Cite

Heredia-Reyes, S. A. (2022). HYPOXIA AND HYPOBARIC CHAMBER TRAINING. Revista De Ciencias Del Mar Y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824., 5(10), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.56124/yaku.v5i10.0053