Theoretical aspects of social intervention in basic education

Artículo de revisión bibliográfica


  • Leonela Mariangie Romero-De La Cruz Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Patricia López-Mero Decana de la Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.


Children, intervention, educational system, primary, conflict


Before talking about Social Worker intervention, it is necessary to refer to social work as profession and discipline. His social approach originates from the analysis of the parameters of the relationship between people and various institutions, which originate from society and from cultural, political, social and historical guidelines. The purpose of this study is the intervention of the social worker in basic education settings. Social work is a science that allows the branch professional to see beyond a simple opinion, transmitting knowledge that allows one to perceive and give an explanation, enhancing and putting their knowledge into practice to determine essential points within a very complex subject. On the other hand, each function has its objective or purpose, in this case the Social Worker seeks to prevent conflict situations before children who are part of the basic education system, such as use and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, bullying, violence; all this through the planning and execution of projects that serve as tools for the professionals in this field. Regarding the processes of intervention of the Social Worker against the problems of basic education, it is evident that the presence of this professional in schools is essential, due to the social conflicts that occur in these spaces.

Keywords: Children, intervention, educational system, primary, conflict.


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How to Cite

Romero-De La Cruz, L. M., & López-Mero, P. (2018). Theoretical aspects of social intervention in basic education: Artículo de revisión bibliográfica. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 1(1), 2–8. Retrieved from