Immersive Reality in the Development of Tutoring for Higher Education, Trends and Challenges: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Liliana Rocío García Ríos Universidad Técnica de Manabí - UTM
  • Andrea Katherine Alcivar-Cedeño Universidad Técnica de Manabí - UTM
  • Jorge Luis Veloz Zambrano Universidad Técnica de Manabí - UTM
  • Wilson Ignacio Romero Universidad Técnica de Manabí - UTM



Realidad Virtual en la Educación, Tutoría en Educación Superior, Tecnologías de Aprendizaje Inmersivo


This study examines the impact of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in higher education through a systematic literature review. The PRISMA methodology was used to identify, evaluate, and synthesize studies on the implementation of IVR in academic tutoring. Findings indicate that IVR enhances the understanding of complex concepts, facilitates personalized learning, and promotes collaboration in virtual environments. Additionally, its usefulness in developing practical skills and fostering inclusive education is highlighted. However, its adoption faces challenges such as the need for advanced technological infrastructure, teacher training, and equitable accessibility. Despite these challenges, IVR represents an innovative tool with the potential to transform the traditional educational model. Longitudinal studies are recommended to assess their long-term impact and applicability across different disciplines. This study contributes to the discussion on integrating emerging technologies in higher education, highlighting both its benefits and barriers to effective implementation.


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How to Cite

García Ríos, L. R. ., Alcivar-Cedeño, A. K. ., Veloz Zambrano, J. L. ., & Romero, W. I. . (2025). Immersive Reality in the Development of Tutoring for Higher Education, Trends and Challenges: A Systematic Literature Review. Scientific Journal of Informatics ENCRYPT - ISSN: 2737-6389., 8(15), 135–152.