The Truth About Property Tax Contribution in the Fire Defense Law: Tax, Fee, or Special Contribution? Unraveling the True Legal Nature of This Levy
Property tax contribution, Fire Defense Law, tax, additional tax, special contribution, fee, tax classification, exemptionsAbstract
This article examines the legal nature of the "property tax contribution" established in the Fire Defense Law (LDCI), which is allocated to the financing of fire departments nationwide. This contribution, equivalent to 0.15 per thousand of the collected property tax, has been assumed as a special contribution without significant questioning or critical analysis. Through a legal and doctrinal analysis, it is argued that this "property tax contribution" actually constitutes an additional tax rather than a fee or special contribution, as it is neither linked to a general and divisible public service to be classified as a fee, nor does it correspond to a public work that generates benefits for a specific group of taxpayers to be considered a special improvement contribution. The proper classification of this tax has direct implications for the application of the exemptions provided in Article 35 of the Organic Tax Code; therefore, its regulatory evolution, the 1981 reform, and its impact on current legislation are analyzed.
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