Motherhoods, Subjectivities, and Cross-Border Migrations from a Gender and Organized Crime Perspective


  • Renan Andrade Castillo Consejo de la Judicatura del Ecuador



Organized crime, gender perspective, transnational motherhood, subjectivities, disrupting identities


This article explores motherhood and identity configurations resulting from cross-border migrations from a gender perspective, also considering the impact of organized crime. Through a specialized literature review, the article draws on theories from authors like Sassen (2006) and various feminist authors to examine how gender identities are transformed in the context of migration, focusing on Venezuelan mothers in Ecuador. The forced migration of Venezuelan women has generated a new paradigm in the configuration of their roles and identities. In this sense, the article analyzes the tensions and challenges they face while adapting to a new cultural and social environment, where organized crime might influence their lives and decisions. This can lead to a redefinition of their identities and changes in the perception of their roles as mothers. 

The article also highlights how organized crime has contributed to destabilizing family structures and altering power dynamics within the household, affecting the well-being of women and their children. The gender perspective is crucial for understanding these transformations, as it allows for the visibility of the particularities and struggles these mothers face in their quest for a better life. The article emphasizes the importance of considering the experiences of Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador to understand the implications of the diaspora and organized crime in shaping their identities and motherhoods in a new context. 


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