Critical areas prone to forest fires in Portoviejo canton
Forest fires, risk, prevention, events, traditional useAbstract
Forest fires have become a threat to ecosystems and human life, regardless of whether their origin is natural or due to human activities. The general objective of this work was to identify the areas of greatest risk of forest fires in the Portoviejo canton. The methodology was based on a non-experimental, longitudinal design, the approach was mixed (qualitative-quantitative), supported by bibliometric, documentary research and field work, an interview was applied to the Chief of the Portoviejo Fire Department and a survey of the population. Among the main results are that in the period from 2019 to 2024, a total of 2,986 forest fires were recorded, distributed in 11 locations. The areas with the highest incidence were Las Colinas de Portoviejo, which includes San Pablo, Barrio Fátima and Nuevo Portoviejo, with 399 events, the Agua Fría site with 356 and Andrés de Vera with 345 fires. On the other hand, the lowest number of contingencies was in Pueblo Nuevo, with 100 reported fires. A recurring factor was the traditional use of fire by communities, which is used to clear land or eliminate waste, which, if not managed in a controlled manner, increases the risk. Likewise, in Andrés de Vera and Abdón Calderón there was a high level of knowledge on the subject, while in areas such as Loma el Calvario and Sitio Agua Fría the levels were low, suggesting contrasts in learning about preventive measures. It was concluded that it is important to carry out awareness activities and implement prevention strategies to reduce the occurrence of events, especially in the areas of the Portoviejo canton that are most prone to forest fires.
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