reading comprehension, non-literary text, Language and literature, basic education, macro dexterityAbstract
This research addresses the problem of reading comprehension at the school level. To this end, an intentional sample of 68 students in the eighth year of basic education of the "Roberto Alfredo Arregui" Educational Unit in the city of Guaranda, Bolívar province, Ecuador, was previously asked to read short narrative texts. Once a multiple-choice test was validated through a pilot test, this instrument was applied. Likewise, a structured interview was conducted with a Language and Literature teacher, with the intention of having contrasting elements against the data reported by the student test. The results of this study reveal that most students' reading is limited to primary decoding. That is, it focuses attention on the search for the meaning of those words that are unknown and that are contained in the sentences that make up the paragraphs of the non-literary text. Hence, by putting this type of mechanism into action, according to the students, it is more than enough to find the thought of the author(s).
KEY WORDS: reading comprehension; non-literary text; Language and literature; basic education; macro dexterity.
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