


Female leadership, Perceptions, Gender equality, Cultural challenges


The objective of this research was to analyze the strengthening of female leadership to make visible and recognize women as leaders in work environments, historically dominated by men. The results show that 50% of those surveyed consider that female leadership is present intermittently in the community, while only 14.2% affirm that women exercise leadership roles constantly. These findings reflect a significant gap in the perception and recognition of female leadership in the community, possibly influenced by cultural barriers and gender stereotypes. Although a small percentage recognize constant female leadership, it suggests the existence of empowered women who have overcome barriers and challenged stereotypes. However, it is clear that more effort is required to achieve gender equitable participation in community leadership. To strengthen female leadership in Unamuncho, it is essential to implement strategies that promote equal opportunities and the empowerment of women, promoting a cultural and social change that values and recognizes their leadership to build a more inclusive and equitable community, in pursuit of sustainable and beneficial development for all members of the community, regardless of their gender. The collaboration of all social actors will be essential to achieve a more just, egalitarian, and prosperous society.


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How to Cite

Naranjo Ruiz , V. F., Espín Miniguano , A. D., & Paredes, T. de J. (2024). STRENGTHENING OF FEMALE LEADERSHIP IN THE RURAL PARISH OF UNAMUNCHO. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(13), 91–104.