Study of temporal-spatial perception in application of games
Percepciones espaciales temporales, juegos, habilidades socialesAbstract
The objective of this study was to explore the acquisition of space-time perceptions through games in elementary school children from a school in Manta. It was a descriptive study with a non-experimental, field, cross-sectional design. Three instruments were designed, one for each sample. There was a sample of 14 teachers from the “Juan Montalvo” Educational Unit to whom a 22-item instrument divided into three sections was applied. There was also a sample of 136 education representatives who responded to a 20-item instrument and a sample of 104 boys and girls from the same educational unit who are in initial and basic elementary school. Almost all teachers include games in their strategy for teaching spatio-temporal perception. Playful activities are carried out at the beginning of the day and include activities that involve left-right, up-down, near-far and inside-outside notions of space. The representatives stated that boys and girls have mastery of spatial- temporal notions. They stated that they have a “lot” of mastery over these perceptions, exceeding 90% in all but the domain of left-right spatial perception. Regarding temporal perceptions, children kno173w how to differentiate day and night, but it is difficult for them to differentiate between before and after.
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