


Perception, Social Isolation, Socio-emotional comfort, Support, Educative Process


In present descriptive and correlational research was decided the scale of perception towards disability, in this way was possible to establish the strategies and mythologies exposed by teachers to work with students with disability for which was used two resources previously authenticated with reliability of ALFA DE CRONBACH. The issue of this research born of the believe that the integration of children with disability has no influence in the educational field pretending continue with the traditional education in which every student learns at the same time, using the same methodology. Furthermore, it was worked with a quantitative standpoint with a population of 164 students of 4th to 7th of elementary school and 36 teachers. The information collected shows clearly how the integration of children with disability demands meaningful changes that encompass from better adapted arrangements, as well as shows that the educative processes need be design in agreement to every case. It’s important emphasize that the interdisciplinary work will allow encompass every facet of the student achieving that the educational field be a support, and avoid in the future the social isolation that will produce psychosocial harm that gradually will affect to the quality of life and education of students. In addition, is suggested an exemplary protocol of social intervention focus on three stages and with the goal of lead to the professional social workers BEFORE, DURING and AFTER of the integration of children with disability to archive that the students to accomplish a socio-emotional comfort and a good academic performance.

Keywords: Perception, Social Isolation, Socio-emotional comfort, Support, Educative Process.


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How to Cite

Espín-Miniguano, A. D., Vargas-Villacres, B. R., & Pazmiño-López, M. A. (2023). INTEGRATION INTO THE EDUCATIONAL FIELD OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(11), 29–43.