
  • Aída Patricia Haro-Lara Lcda. En Trabajo Social, Abogada. Mg. Trabajo Social Familiar. Docente Ocasional Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Carrera de Trabajo Social. Ambato, Ecuador.
  • Erick Bojorque-Pazmiño Arquitecto., Mg. En Estudios del Arte. Diploma en Educación Superior por Competencias. Docente y director Carrera de Artes Plásticas, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.



Social longing, community, identity, orality, tradition


The objective of this article was to establish the physical, emotional and mental elements understood as social longing or recovery of the past that sustain the tradition of doing, being and thinking in the rural parishes of the Píllaro Canton, province of Tungurahua from their own history. Based on sustained epistemologies, such as the symbolic interaction approached from Blumer, Edgar Morin with the complex thought, Wallerstein, and his appreciation of the system-world, Orlando Fals Borda, research, participative action; among others. The methodology used was mixed. The qualitative one because of the collection of descriptive data that through written words of the people involved in the study led to the support of life stories that allowed understanding concepts through guidelines referenced by the people within a referential framework. The aforementioned combined objective and subjective aspects proper of the community, whose population constituted randomly selected dwellers; according to the degree of reliability established in the determination of the sample during the period 2017-2019. Regarding the quantitative, it is based on the verification of the hypothesis of the application of a survey to the members of the seven parish councils of the canton Píllaro. Since the limited observation units have similar characteristics, the Friedman test will be applied, which according to Quispe, Calla, Yangali, Rodríguez, & Pumacayo (2019, p.42) is "non-parametric". The hypothesis was tested by means of a triangulation that will allow falling back on conclusions and verification of the hypothesis that social longing sustains the tradition of being, doing and thinking.

Keywords: Social longing, community, identity, orality, tradition.


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How to Cite

Haro-Lara, A. P., & Bojorque-Pazmiño, E. (2022). THE SOCIAL DESIRE AND THE TRADITION OF BEING, DOING AND THINKING. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(10), 237–248.