Semi open regime in the ecuadorian penitentiary system

Investigation article


  • Aída Patricia Haro-Lara Profesora de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ambato, Ecuador.
  • Ramiro Segundo Tite Profesor de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ambato, Ecuador.
  • Hilda Guadalupe Espín Profesora de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Ambato, Ecuador.


Benefit, law, discipline, family, freedom


The present investigative work sought to determine the main cause that affected persons deprived of liberty not to access the benefit of the semi-open regime during the years two thousand eighteen two thousand nineteen in one of the centers of deprivation of liberty for adults in conflict with the Ecuador law. We worked with a sample of 1106 people who have already served 60% of their sentences. Methodologically, through the Pareto diagram, the priorities to benefit from the benefit were visualized where the effects of a certain variable are a consequence of the causes of a problem with a margin of significance between: the weak family support network and social discrimination. It was concluded that the main cause for them not to access the semi-open regime is the weak family support network.

Keywords: Benefit, law, discipline, family, freedom.


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How to Cite

Haro-Lara, A. P., Tite, R. S., & Espín, H. G. (2020). Semi open regime in the ecuadorian penitentiary system: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 3(5), 11–16. Retrieved from