Students, Economic Crisis, Virtual Education, Pandemic, DesertionAbstract
Education is a fundamental and inherent right, it is the guarantee of the training of individuals to develop, strengthen and enhance cognitive, physical and cultural skills. The research identified the main effects of the economic crisis on the right to education of the students of the Faculty of Social Work of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, the methodology that was used was the descriptive one with a quantitative approach where it helped with the description of the problem, reflecting causes, consequences and percentages. The economic crisis and the right to education in times of pandemic has a great impact on students, both financially and emotionally. In the year 2020, many students thought of dropping out, because they worked and studied, which made carrying out both activities too difficult due to the distribution of time and academic performance was affected. The State and the relevant authorities of the University and Faculty must be more concerned with the education of students, applying new strategies that benefit them, especially those with low economic resources and who can access a student scholarship, without so many obstacles. The arrival of COVID-19 destabilized the country and the entire world, leaving the education of all students vulnerable, and directly affecting the economy of all families. In addition, several authors mention that it is a very important issue, because it is about the preparation of the individual and his educational right, implementing new strategies.
Keywords: Students, Economic Crisis, Virtual Education, Pandemic, Desertion.
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