
  • Eduardo Alfredo Argudo-Nevárez Universidad de Guayaquil, UG. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • María Goretty González-Espinoza Universidad de Guayaquil, UG. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Katherine Sayonara Argudo-González Universidad de Guayaquil, UG. Guayaquil, Ecuador.


Rights, Justice, Constitutional Justice, manipulative sentences, Constitutional State


The history of law is intimately linked to human beings and their rights, so investigating the sources of law is to get involved with the nature condition of the human being, and from that derives their dignity. The living right, the one in which its condition of abstraction exceeds the same guidelines of its primary origin, is exceeded by the time its latest creation arises from rights. The primary normative source warns us of an insurmountable element, that is, that the Constitutional States are eminently recognizing and guaranteeing rights, and it could not be otherwise since it is the citizens who decide to build them and it is they who give these regulations constitutional, from this justice is propped up, understood as the effective enjoyment of equal rights. This is the historical framework and condition description of this research that makes us explore the need to go critically seeking legal studies, rethinking law, warning parallel forms of justice justified by its historical condition, faced with a new creative source of law incorporating constitutional justice, and building an ideology of rights. Legal dogmatic demands it. From this jurisdiction, interpretative or manipulative sentences arise, all of them atypical, additive as long as they enter the domain of the legislator.

Keywords: Rights, Justice, Constitutional Justice, manipulative sentences, Constitutional State.


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How to Cite

Argudo-Nevárez, E. A., González-Espinoza, M. G., & Argudo-González, K. S. (2021). LAW FROM RIGHTS, NEW SOURCE AND CREATION IN COURT. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(7), 189–205. Retrieved from