Importance of social worker intervention with groups, in FATSO ULEAM students



Social Worker, groups, social intervention, Social Work


Social Work with groups generates wide opportunities in the area of Labor such as Enterprises, Educational Institutions, Community Mediation Centers, Local Development Projects of Decentralized Governments, Medical Institutions, Rights Protection Council among others, this is why the need was seen to analyze the perception of student’s subject to study in relation to this topic, and at the same time how the professional intervention of the Social Worker favors groups. For the study, a quantitative methodology was used that was applied to students from 5th to 7th semester of the Faculty of Social Work of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí, Ecuador, who, in addition, already had knowledge about the group study offered in the Curriculum Mesh of that University Career. Students subject to studies through the application of a survey corroborated the importance of Social Worker Intervention with groups, both in academic training and in the pre-professional exercise. It was raised as a fundamental part of this process that the Social Worker first knows the theoretical part about the study of groups so that it is applied in practical intervention, since this way effective and effective intervention can be achieved. The Social Worker through his professional work guides the groups, so that they can develop skills and capacities with which they can face situations and problems that arise within the environment and above all improve their social reality.

Keywords: Social Worker, groups, social intervention, Social Work.


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How to Cite

Pacheco-Olivo, I. E., Cevallos-Gracia, G. A., & Figueroa-Moreira, D. N. (2021). Importance of social worker intervention with groups, in FATSO ULEAM students. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 118–130. Retrieved from