Re-signify mothers' lives with children with disabilities from the narrative: Case studies
dominant practices, bodies and orality, everyday life- re-signify lifeAbstract
This article addresses narrative practices in social key and their meaning in everyday practice, through two life stories of mothers and their children with disabilities whose case studies are co-constructed in the voices of their own protagonists; in the stories told, about what is said and what remains in silence, and that the expression of the body gives meaning of orality, in the history of his life and the daily life of his sons and daughters who have disabilities, reflect on the importance of visibilizing the word and valuing the knowledge of these mothers and the meaning of the dominant practices that are woven into the family and institutional dynamics. Similarly, in oral history, it analyzes the role imposed on these women as responsible for the care, life and economy of their children, naturalizing unpaid work within the home and in the practices of everyday life. In this area the narrative through oral history analyzes the categories of the “Social Field” pointed out by Bordieu, which invite us to a re-think of professional practice and the resignification of mothers with children with disabilities.
Keywords: dominant practices, bodies and orality, everyday life- re-signify life.
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