Labor exclusion and its impact on the sustainable development of LGBTI+Q people



Labor exclusion, Sustainable Development, LGBTI Q people


This research reveals the social inequalities that are evident in society today, especially those suffered by people according to their gender condition such as Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, Intersexuals, Queer, etc. (LGBTI + Q). There is still little acceptance despite the fact that different public policies have been created that protect the rights of these people, and that in most cases they do not comply with them, thus triggering the exclusion of LGBTI + Q people, limiting and hindering their development, especially in the workplace, therefore, affecting their quality of life. For this reason, this research seeks to identify the problems of labor exclusion that affect the sustainable development of LGBTI + Q people. This research will contribute to publicize the rights that LGBTI + Q people have regardless of their sexual orientation and the importance of being included in society and in the workplace. Obtaining as results that despite the fact that there are laws that protect all people without any distinction nowadays, discrimination against LGBTI + Q people still persists, hindering opportunities in the work environment, demonstrating through interviews that of the total of employees only there are 1% and up to 2% of people with different sexual orientation who have been hired.

Keywords: Labor exclusion, Sustainable Development, LGBTI+Q people.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Guerrero, K. D., & Chávez-Intriago, M. Y. (2021). Labor exclusion and its impact on the sustainable development of LGBTI+Q people. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 28–44. Retrieved from