Challenges faced by students, parents and teachers with virtual classes as a new modality



Challenges, students, parents, teachers, virtual education, technological resources


The aim of this study was to determine the challenges that students, parents and teachers face with virtual classes as a new method of teaching. A mixed approach was used in this research, an exploratory type, qualitative and quantitative focused, a survey composed by a questionnaire conducted to 257 students of the basic intermediate and higher level, furthermore 6 interviews were carried out with parents and teachers of the basic level education. Among the obtained outcome, the surveyed students indicated that their teachers do use computer programs moderately. The interviews’ results revealed that teachers have a basic knowledge but not advanced one in computer programs, nevertheless parents in the great majority seems to have a poorly understanding in how to use these programs. While students showed to be able to use word, and the internet itself with a fair expertise. Students access the internet service through mostly toping-ups their phones, hiring mega packages, and using satellite internet. It was also identified that almost the overall of students use smartphones and tablets as the technological equipment for their virtual classes to do and send their homework’s. This study found that the mastery of theoretical and practical knowledge in technological tools is not very advanced in students and teachers, in the case of the parents, majority of them they have a scarce awareness and knowledge and not each of them have fixed internet in their homes, being the smartphone the most used tool.

Keywords: Challenges, students, parents, teachers, virtual education, technological resources.


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How to Cite

Solórzano-Manzaba, L. J., & Aragundi-Muñoz, A. C. (2021). Challenges faced by students, parents and teachers with virtual classes as a new modality. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 18–30. Retrieved from