Theoretical analysis of family typology and its effects on adolescent school development

Bibliographic review article


  • Anais Bárbara Intriago-Delgado Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.


Family, disintegration, school, adolescents, development


The family is the fundamental pillar in the development of the formation of a child or adolescent, since it is the first school, in which values ​​and habits are taught; Within the growth process, children adapt to the way of life of the family with which they live. Each family is used as an organization system, therefore, if there is no good functioning within this organization, it would generate effects on the individual's personal development. Each one of these typologies fulfills different functions within the conformation of the family, that is to say that the behavior of an adolescent will be a function of the family typology in which it is found, since if the family in which the adolescent develops is A nuclear family has the relationship of interaction with dad, mom and siblings, but if this adolescent is immersed in a single-parent family, his development and interaction appears differently. It is of great importance that adolescents do not incur in any social problem that affects their learning development, and in the event that there is a process related to family disintegration, due intervention must be generated to face said situation, guaranteeing due consents so that there is good communication and optimal application of the intervention plan proposed by the social work professional.

Keywords: Family, disintegration, school, adolescents, development.


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How to Cite

Intriago-Delgado, A. B. (2018). Theoretical analysis of family typology and its effects on adolescent school development: Bibliographic review article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 1(1), 9–14. Retrieved from