Incidence of confinement by COVID-19 in intrafamily communication in the Manta City – Ecuador


  • Bryan Cobeña Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.


Communication, confinement, family, Covid-19, timeshare


As a consequence of the health emergency experienced by the Coronavirus, the national government declared prevention measures such as confinement. In this new context arises the present investigation, which aims to know how is carrying out communication within families based on new experiences and needs of each of its members in the middle of forty without being able to leave home, this study was carried out in a particular Educational Unit of the city of Manta. The object of study and the problems related to communication with in of the family nuclei of the students allowed to develop an investigation with a quantitative approach, since the data were collected using an instrument validated by the authorities of the Educational Unit. Two surveys were conducted, one with a total of 9 questions addressed to parents and another with 8 questions for students. Both instruments had the same questions, this was done with the objective of correlatively analyzing the responses of both, since it is It is very important to know the perception that both parents and students (their children) have in relation to communication and quality timeshared in the context of confinement and to know if it has modified the intra family communication dynamics. Through the investigation, relevant conclusions on the differentiated perception between parents and children in reference to time-sharing and modification of intra-family communication due to confinement.

Keywords: Communication, confinement, family, Covid-19, timeshare.


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How to Cite

Cobeña, B. (2020). Incidence of confinement by COVID-19 in intrafamily communication in the Manta City – Ecuador. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 3(6 Ed. esp.), 52–58. Retrieved from