Gender perspective and influences of barriers for participation of Ecuadorian educators in positions of power



Perception, equity, gender, culture, inclusion, sustainability, family, education, labor


Gender perspective, its representations and influences have become barriers that make it impossible to reach those “glass ceilings” which are attainable for only certain privileged groups. On the other side, perceptions that become seemingly unavoidable realities and even family itself have become “sticky floors”, making women feel guilty at the time of decision-making and participate in gender equity. One of the main objectives of this investigation is to identify the perception in female academic staff concerning the existence of institutional barriers for access to positions of power and decision-making in the universities where they work in two regions of the country: highlands and coast. The access and permanent exercise in academic positions of power and decision-making for Ecuadorian University Educators is the contribution of this investigation, using the methodological advantages of surveys and interviews, for women who achieved said positions or those who attempted to, desisted from, or resigned from them. The perceptions that are culturally built in the people’s minds become a part of everyday life, in turn reproducing underdevelopment, entertaining the distracted masses with infighting, while others reap all benefits and the joy of living in a world made of and with respect.

Keywords: Perception, equity, gender, culture, inclusion, sustainability, family, education, labor.


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How to Cite

Altamirano-Altamirano, S. J. (2021). Gender perspective and influences of barriers for participation of Ecuadorian educators in positions of power. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(7), 16–28. Retrieved from