diversity, higher education, inclusive educationAbstract
This study examines the policies, culture, and inclusive practices among faculty members of the School of Political and Administrative Sciences at the National University of Chimborazo (UNACH). In a context where inclusive education is crucial for sustainable development, the research aimed to understand how professors implement and perceive these inclusive dimensions. A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative and qualitative phases. Surveys were conducted with 51 faculty members using the Situational Scale for Attention to Diversity and Educational Inclusion (ESADIE), complemented by in-depth interviews. The findings reveal predominantly positive perceptions regarding inclusion in terms of culture but highlight limitations in policies and resources, particularly concerning infrastructure and faculty training. Additionally, progress in inclusive practices, such as the use of diverse pedagogical strategies, was noted, though gaps persist in the implementation of curricular adaptations. The analysis underscores that UNACH faces challenges related to effectively communicating inclusive policies, improving faculty training, and enhancing physical and digital accessibility. Diversity in classrooms is acknowledged as an enriching resource, yet greater institutional efforts are needed to ensure fully in
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