



intellectual disability, English teaching, didactic strategies


Currently, students with intellectual disabilities face significant challenges in acquiring English language skills due to the lack of pedagogical strategies tailored to their specific needs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to propose didactic strategies for teaching English to elementary-level students with intellectual disabilities. A quantitative approach was employed, using surveys directed at the parents of these students. Additionally, a literature review of the theoretical foundations of intellectual disability and English language teaching was conducted. The survey results indicate that, according to parents' perceptions, multisensory and kinesthetic strategies, as well as interactive games, are considered the most effective for improving the learning process for these students. Furthermore, collaborative interaction and social engagement are key elements in fostering communicative and social skills. Based on these findings, a proposal was formulated with the aim of not only enhancing English language learning but also strengthening students' social and communicative competencies by creating an inclusive and motivating educational environment that encourages active participation. In conclusion, inclusive teaching strategies, such as the use of multisensory resources, interactive games, and kinesthetic learning, could benefit English language instruction for students with cognitive disabilities, as these methods not only actively engage students but also have the potential to promote a more motivating educational environment.


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How to Cite

Lozano Campoverde, P. E. . (2025). DIDACTIC STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH TO STUDENTS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES IN THE ELEMENTARY SUBLEVEL. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 8(17 EDICION ESPECIAL), 104–121. https://doi.org/10.56124/tj.v8i17ep.007