parental devaluation, educational processAbstract
Parental devaluation implies an inability of parents to adequately consider their children and fulfill their parental roles effectively, which can have negative consequences for child development. The objective of this research was to analyze parental devaluation in the educational process, specifically in the Zamora Chinchipe school in the province of Carchi. We delved into the consequences that this problem causes in children, in addition to seeking the reasons and background of parental behavior to find alternatives. This research systematized the theoretical currents that cause parental devaluation, as well as the consequences of this type of affectations in the emotional, educational and physical growth of minors. Measures were proposed to improve communication between parents and children, as well as the involvement of teachers and parents in their educational growth. The methodology used was qualitative, through participant observation and focus groups, likewise the research was based on the humanistic paradigm, since it carried out a study of the human being in all its dimensions: cognitive, affective, social at the family level. It was concluded that parental valorization is fundamental for an adequate emotional growth of minors, seeking to create solid bases to maintain strong, lasting bonds between them with actions such as school for parents, literacy and psychological support
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