Web / mobile system for the process of managing the control of passages of the transport cooperative "TRANSPOLITANA S.A."

Investigation article


  • José Junior Benítez-Cárdenas Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.
  • Dany Xavier Lucas-García Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.


web system, mobile system, passage, land transport, control management


Transportation is one of the services most required by students at all levels and contexts, the same that must provide safety, punctuality and responsibility; In relation to this issue in the Montecristi canton, the demand for the transport service is notorious, both by students, teachers and administrative staff of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro, based on this need it was proposed to implement a Web and Mobile system for the process of Passage control, it was also necessary to determine the passage management processes that the cooperative carried out manually and, according to the results obtained and with the help of the personnel working within the cooperative, the necessary requirements were obtained for the development of the system. The inductive method was used. It is a field investigation, for the knowledge of reality and in depth through the analysis of the current situation of the company. In addition, 285 users of the “Transpolitana” cooperative were surveyed, as well as 22 carriers. It was determined that it was necessary to consider the customer registration process, the passenger list, the collection of tickets, secure information, card generation, friend payment, payment of non-regular users, ticket reservation, notification of loss of object, balance inquiry, QR code generation for customer information and driver registration.

Keywords: web system, mobile system, passage, land transport, control management.


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How to Cite

Benítez-Cárdenas, J. J., & Lucas-García, D. X. (2019). Web / mobile system for the process of managing the control of passages of the transport cooperative "TRANSPOLITANA S.A.": Investigation article. Scientific Journal of Informatics ENCRYPT - ISSN: 2737-6389., 2(4), 28–38. Retrieved from https://publicacionescd.uleam.edu.ec/index.php/encriptar/article/view/93