Typhlotechnological device prototype for the identification of objects in blind people

Investigation article


  • Erika Zoraida Ganchozo-Ormaza Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta – Ecuador.


prototype, typhlotechnological device, object identification, blind people


Mobilization and safe movement are one of the main shortcomings of people with visual disabilities, these being restrictive and, in several cases, completely preventing their vision. Due to these deficiencies, it is essential to resort to the use of devices that allow satisfying in one way or another the different needs of these people. The prototype of the proposed device will be designed to be carried in the lower part of the forearm (wrist) and whose structure will have a sensory part that will send signals to an actuator that will notify the blind by vibrations, if there is an obstacle near it. in an external environment. In addition, it has a radio-frequency identification tag reader, which, in addition to detecting, will alert the presence of nearby objects through audible messages through the reading of the RFID tag previously attached to the artifacts and / or elements that are are located in an internal environment. The construction of the typhlotechnological prototype will allow people with visual disabilities to move with greater independence and safety, avoiding collisions with the objects that surround it.

Keywords: prototype, typhlotechnological device, object identification, blind people.


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How to Cite

Ganchozo-Ormaza, E. Z. (2018). Typhlotechnological device prototype for the identification of objects in blind people: Investigation article. Scientific Journal of Informatics ENCRYPT - ISSN: 2737-6389., 1(2), 25–35. Retrieved from https://publicacionescd.uleam.edu.ec/index.php/encriptar/article/view/88