Tax culture, microenterprises, MipymesAbstract
In this investigative work, the analysis of compliance with tax obligations is carried out, in the commercial activities carried out by the MYPES of the city of Manta. This will show the factors that affect the tax behavior of microentrepreneurs. Over time, microenterprises begin their activities empirically, without legal bases and procedures, which can significantly influence compliance with their obligations and lead to sanctions and other negative aspects for the optimal development of these businesses. The methodology applied is descriptive, qualitative and non-experimental, the study is contrasted with the results of the applied survey, which allowed the identification of the most influential factors in non-compliance with tax obligations. The results demonstrate the little tax culture on the part of micro-entrepreneurs, ignorance being the factor that most affects the non-compliance with their tax duties.
Keywords: Tax culture, microenterprises, Mipymes.
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