Estimation of the reproductive dynamics of the Spiny Camotillo, Diplectrum Labarum Rosenblatt and Jhonson, 1974 (pisces: serranidae) landed in the port of Jaramijó, Manabí, Ecuador.

Investigation article


  • Johanna Monserrate Lucas-Delgado Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad Ciencias del Mar, Manta, Ecuador.


Size at maturity, condition index, gonasomatic index, reproductive season, growth, allometry


The sand perches, genus Diplectrum, are target fishes in several fishing harbors in Manabí Province, particularly in Jaramijó and San Mateo. However, there is not yet a specific regulation for their management. In this study, the main biological, reproductive and fishing aspects of the highfin sand perch Diplectrum labarum were analyzed in the port of Jaramijó, Manabí, Ecuador, in order to recommend technical measures for its conservation. Between January and June 2018, biometric and biological information of this species were obtained from the artisanal fleet. A total of 179 specimens were evaluated, which showed an average size of 19.3 ± 1.7 cm Lt (15 to 25 cm Lt) while the average total weight was 95.7 ± 26 g (44.2 to 218.4 g). The most frequent sizes were 17 to 21 with a mode at 18.5 cm Lt. The eviscerated weight decreased between 8.7 and 8.3% on average with respect to the total weight. All individuals evaluated were hermaphrodites, presenting ovotestis. Four stages of gonadal development were identified and observed along the entire study period, which reveals that the reproductive activity took place along the study period. There were two periods of greater reproductive intensity, March and May, and a minimum in January. The total length vs. total weight relationship was Pt = 0.0351 Lt2.67, with the exponent significantly lower than 3, suggesting a negative allometric growth for the species. The size of first maturity was estimated at 20.8 ± 0,6 cm LT and the smallest mature individual was 17,0 cm LT. The ban currently being implemented by the Secretary of Fishery Resources during February and March of each year is suitable for the conservation of D. labarum since it coincides with one of the periods of greater reproductive activity of the species.

Keywords: Size at maturity, condition index, gonasomatic index, reproductive season, growth, allometry.


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How to Cite

Lucas-Delgado, J. M. (2019). Estimation of the reproductive dynamics of the Spiny Camotillo, Diplectrum Labarum Rosenblatt and Jhonson, 1974 (pisces: serranidae) landed in the port of Jaramijó, Manabí, Ecuador.: Investigation article. Revista De Ciencias Del Mar Y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824., 2(3), 2–15. Retrieved from