Temporal variation in size and sexual maturity of common hake (Merluccius gayi, guichenot, 1848) from deep longline fishing in ecuadorian waters


  • Cristhian Vicente Castro-Moreira Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Gabriela Flores-Rivera Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca, Subsecretaría de Recursos Pesqueros, Manta, Ecudor.
  • Walter Gilberto Tigrero-González Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca, Subsecretaría de Recursos Pesqueros, Manta, Ecudor.




Size distribution, Sexual maturity, Bottom Longline, Aggregation zones, Common hake, Santa Elena Península, Artisanal Fishing


The hake fishery in Ecuador has experienced a significant increase since 2013, becoming an alternative to shrimp fishing. This fish is primarily exported to Spain, one of the largest consumers of hake worldwide. The trawl fleet operates mainly in the Posorja port, and it is estimated that 2,133,985 kg of hake were landed in 2019. Therefore, this study focuses on analyzing temporal changes in the size structure and sexual maturity of common hake (Merluccius gayi) caught using bottom longline fishing gear in Ecuadorian waters. Biological data such as total length, sex, and sexual maturity of the hake resource landed in the artisanal fishing port of Santa Rosa de Salinas, Santa Elena, were collected between 2013 and 2016. It was determined that the sex ratio was skewed towards females, and significant differences in sizes between sexes were observed, with females being larger. Regarding sexual maturity, five gonadal stages were identified in females and three in males. The average size at sexual maturity for females was determined to be LT50=48.53 cm, while for males, it was LT50=31.22 cm. Significant differences were evident between the sizes of sexual maturity in females and males, with females being 35% larger at the time of maturity compared to males.


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How to Cite

Castro-Moreira, C. V., Flores-Rivera, G., & Tigrero-González, W. G. (2023). Temporal variation in size and sexual maturity of common hake (Merluccius gayi, guichenot, 1848) from deep longline fishing in ecuadorian waters. Revista De Ciencias Del Mar Y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824., 6(11), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.56124/yaku.v6i11.543