



learning, flight simulator, educational simulation, game-based learning


This paper addresses the importance of flight simulators as a teaching-learning method for naval aviators. Learning has taken on great relevance through the use of immersive virtual environments, being considered a current and future trend in the educational field, but which, in turn, implies an economic cost that must be analyzed for its adaptation. The objective of the article is to relate the current learning methods linked to simulated digital environments through documentary review and analysis of the results of scientific articles.

Keywords: learning, flight simulator, educational simulation, game-based learning.


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How to Cite

Romero-Muñoz, J. C. (2022). LEARNING BY FLIGHT SIMULATOR IN NAVAL AVIATORS. Revista De Ciencias Del Mar Y Acuicultura YAKU. ISSN: 2600-5824., 5(10), 37–41. https://doi.org/10.56124/yaku.v5i10.0056