


Migration, discrimination, rejection, prejudice, stereotypes, marginalization


This research addresses the theme of "Venezuelan migration and "Aporophobia". The main objective of the study is to analyze the incidence of aporophobia in the Venezuelan migrant population, specifically in a group of men and women belonging to the "Young People for the Future Foundation" in the city of Ambato. For this, a qualitative methodology was used with a non-probabilistic sample. Interviews were conducted with 16 migrants of Venezuelan nationality and 5 professionals specialized in the care of the migrant population. The results of the study revealed the different causes that motivate migration, such as economic difficulties, the political situation and the search for better living conditions. The study revealed a direct relationship between aporophobia or rejection toward migrants and the conditions and customs that apparently break with the culture of transit countries. This situation generates a vicious circle of exclusion, poverty and non-acceptance of migrants and in response to the situation of the migrant population, the implementation of a project for the labor insertion of Venezuelan migrants was proposed. It is necessary to promote awareness and respect for the migrant population, as well as to promote public policies that facilitate their social and labor integration.


KEY WORDS: Migration, discrimination, rejection, prejudice, stereotypes, marginalization


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How to Cite

Torres Carrillo, S. S. ., Cueva Rojas, J. J. ., & Erazo Torres, S. B. . (2024). VENEZUELAN MIGRATION AND APOROPHOBIA. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(13 EDICION ESPECIAL), 157–172.