Service-learning, mediation, pedagogy, social practice, leadersAbstract
The research was conducted in the establishments of the Technical University of Ambato, specifically in the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences with their respective careers, it is important to mention that this type of research worked with a descriptive and exploratory methodology, which seeks to deepen the subject and thus be validated within a current context for analysis and comparison; having a population of 179 students who are in the final years of study in the careers of the faculty in question, promote a more specific and sustained criteria in relation to the responses that were obtained.
It is important to mention that, in our environment (Ambato, Ecuador), the variable Service-Learning (SL) is seen as a voluntary activity, in few cases it is known by teachers who have done some research, leaving terminology and in relation to the variable "Creation of Leadership for a Culture of Peace" it is contemplated as a change in a society full of conflicts from a totally different angle to the traditional ones from the professional knowledge or personal affinities which can promote criteria of action and the same can become an agent of change at a social level together with the theoretical and didactic development of multiple intelligences that favor the spaces of interaction favoring the skills that the individual has from the techniques and appropriate tools from the complementary study to understand the situation that lies within the community
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