Paradigms and Influence in Economic Development of People Affected by Fires in Machala 2020 2021




Economic development, families, local development, fires


The main theoretical focus was related to the study of the elements of the paradigm and its influence on the economic development of families. The problem of this study was that families who experience an outbreak are exposed to a slow economic reactivation, it is important to mention that regardless of the magnitude of the fire, the economic and psychosocial effects are significant and should have an emerging attention for the resolution of this phenomenon and guarantee the rights of these people. The objective of this research was based on being able to know the perseverance, resilience and effort of the people affected by fires in the city of Machala, in addition to analyzing the influence that these variables have on the processes of economic reactivation. The research was qualitative, a focus group was applied to 10 affected families, in addition to the interview with the director of the risk management area of the municipality of Machala with previously developed instruments. The results obtained were systematized in relation to the dependent and independent variables of each of the objectives set, in this way this research was contextualized in a profound way. I354t was concluded that effort, perseverance and resilience are the elements of the social paradigm. demonstrated through the attitudes and practices that characterize the affected families and their economic, psychological and social repercussions in the post-fire context, in addition to the fact that the family economic reactivation will depend on the intervention of both community and local government support networks


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How to Cite

Romero Torres, G. R. ., Bojorque Pazmiño, E., & Joza Gonzalez, A. (2023). Paradigms and Influence in Economic Development of People Affected by Fires in Machala 2020 2021. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 354–371.