Work absenteeism and its impact on the organizational climate




Work absenteeism, organizational climate, productivity, labor desertion, bad work climate


The objective of this study was to analyze the causes of work absenteeism and its impact on the Organizational climate of the workers of the Banaloli farm.This investigation is of a mixed approach with a descriptive exploratory study, a survey consisting of a questionnaire applied to 115 people from the Banaloli farm in the Province of Los Ríos was applied and an interview was also applied to the representatives of the company. The SPSS program was used to analyze the statistical results.Very fundamental results were obtained, where it indicates that health problems with 54.8% are the main cause of absenteeism. At present, the age that workers are absent the most is from 18 to 29 years with the result of 50.4%.

It is important to mention that the organizational climate in the workers of the Banaloli farm is Good with 57.4% is something positive for the organization and can be seen in the results obtained.

For this reason it is essential to indicate that the relationship with coworkers at the Banaloli farm is Good with the result of 60.9%.

In conclusion, determining the cause of work absenteeism indicates that we must seek a solution to this problem, which is a health problem and that there is a good organizational climate in the company


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How to Cite

Delgado-Delgado , D. P. ., & Villacreses-Álvarez , G. V. . (2023). Work absenteeism and its impact on the organizational climate. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 338–353.