Psychosocial repercussions due to covid-19 in adolescents




Repercussions psychosocial, Adolescent, Causes, Pandemic, COVID-19


The present research work raised the topic "Psychosocial repercussions due to COVID-19 in adolescents, which is developed under qualitative and quantitative methodology, proposing alternatives of methods oriented to the adolescents through the survey of the aforementioned educational unit whose results will allow us as future social workers in the professional field to know the intervention that should be carried out in cases of psychosocial repercussions in adolescents due to COVID-19; analyzing the problem that attracted consequences by intervening through the survey and interview to promote change and well-being in them.

Giving this, the magazine was made known in order to give us their point of view on the psychosocial repercussions, they also gave us the surveys that try to describe a statistical profile of the population and the results, with the data collection it was sought to provide the due evidence in the present study. Once the surveys were carried out, the process of collecting information was announced, and the content analysis of the thematic axes proposed in the theoretical framework was carried out


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How to Cite

Chávez Rezabala , X. N., Delgado Chávez , Y. M., & Villacreses Álvarez , G. V. . (2024). Psychosocial repercussions due to covid-19 in adolescents . Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 189–202.