Social work and school dropout in the manta educational unit, period 2021-2022




Social Work, school dropout, education, social repercussions, family dysfunction


The topic of this scientific article was called "Social Work and School Dropout in the Manta Educational Unit, Period 2021-2022". It was necessary to carry out the research because school dropout is a social phenomenon that in recent years has shown an increase in cases in educational institutions due to the influence of economic, family, health factors, etc. Therefore, the intervention of the Social Worker is essential to transform this problem and guarantee the right to education of students. The methodology used was of qualitative approach through the application of a structured interview to two Social Workers with a formal dialogue in the guide of previously elaborated questions, the semi-structured interview was applied to five parents and five students to contextualize in depth the problem of school dropout, for the aforementioned reason the information obtained was systematized and triangulated with the descriptive method. The results obtained were related to family dysfunction as the main cause of students' school dropout and psychosocial repercussions such as stress, anxiety, depression due to the abandonment of their dreams and the violence that many were exposed, lack of assertive communication, but above all for the responsibilities acquired to improve the problems at home. The conclusions were based on the argument of this scientific article where it was indicated that family problems due to lack of job opportunities induced students to drop out of school to work and contribute to their family's economy


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How to Cite

Pacheco Macías , F. J., & Collantes Zavala, A. J. (2023). Social work and school dropout in the manta educational unit, period 2021-2022. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 154–172.