


phonological awareness, literacy, neurobiological development, didactic strategies


Reading and writing still requires contributions for its improvement and it is a frequent challenge in society, especially educational, which makes it necessary to direct teaching from the brain of the learner. In accordance with what has been indicated, the main objective of this research was to analyze the neurobiological bases that intervene in phonological awareness for the development of literacy in basic general education students. For this, a mixed and hybrid research approach was used methodologically, whose data collection techniques were the survey of 29 students, interviews with 6 parents and a teacher from the Angel Polibio Chaves Educational Unit in the city of Guaranda, province Bolivar, Ecuador. Once the diagnosis was obtained, didactic strategies were developed that enhance phonological awareness that, when applied, reveal that when the environment in which children develop is enriched and their larger brain is stimulated, it is the connection and psychic activation of cognitive and linguistic processes. Hence, by putting neurolearning into action, it is more than enough to reduce difficulties in language skills.

Keywords: phonological awareness, literacy, neurobiological development, didactic strategies.


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How to Cite

Andrade-Santamaría, J. V., Andrade-Solís, P. E., & Zumba-Faicán, D. P. (2023). NEUROBIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH LITERACY. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12), 87–98.