



Behaviors, family, origin, rural, urban


The objective of the research was to analyze whether disruptive behaviors have had an impact on academic performance, by establishing causes. Aspect addressed after the establishment of the research problem, to which an answer was given with the formulation of the hypothesis: disruptive behaviors affect academic performance. an exhaustive documentary bibliographical research was carried out that in combination with the deductive method, within a descriptive category, the application of the quantitative methodology; the application of the survey to a probabilistic stratified sample of first and second year of high school of an educational unit in the province of Tungurahua. In consideration of characteristics such as: modality, type and location of the educational unit, sectorization, optimization of the infrastructure, the universalization and free of basic education and high school, the epistemological study of the categories disruptive behaviors and academic performance, the analysis and interpretation from the results. Concluding that despite the fact that students know the code of coexistence at the high school level, they reoffend in committing acts classified as disruptive behaviors that affect academic performance.

Keywords: Behaviors, family, origin, rural, urban.


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How to Cite

Haro-Lara, A. P., Bonifaz-Díaz, E. F., & Tite-Naranjo, N. I. (2023). DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12), 31–41. https://doi.org/10.56124/tj.v6i12.0092