


intervention, pandemic, social work


The objective of this article is to determine the problems encountered during the health emergency situation by COVID-19 that occurred during confinement in order to take preventive measures that protect the comprehensive health of individuals through the Intervention of the Social Worker. in times of the Covid-19 Pandemic in zone 7; taking as reference the research that was carried out on the students of the National University of Loja, applied by the team of teachers responsible for the project of the INFORMATION AND HELP NETWORK BEFORE THE EMERGENCY OF COVID - 19, and determine if they are informed about prevention measures to act against possible infections and their action against the health emergency. An investigation was carried out in which the elaboration and application of a socio-contextual survey was used as a tool in which different perceptions were identified among students regarding the handling of the present situation, the mishandling of the spread of the virus; the weak management of how to take preventive measures and identification of resources and capacities; These elements were the basis for intervening from the professional point of view of the social worker with technical tools for their application, such as the development of biosafety protocols for students to avoid massive contagion, with this it was intended to contribute to raising awareness with measures that respond to situations of high risk or that generate high levels of stress. In this process, the socialization of the biosafety protocols to the university community was carried out through the Social Work career of the National University of Loja and the student welfare department. In this article we will know the main problems given in the different areas of the students as well as the intervention measures for the solution of the problems, regarding the Covid19 pandemic.

Keywords: intervention, pandemic, social work.


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How to Cite

Medina-León, C. S., Zárate-Castro, N. I., & Valdivieso-Parra, P. F. (2023). SOCIAL INTERVENTION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC, COVID-19 IN ZONE 7. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(11), 13–28.