Internal Migration, Social Work, StatusAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of internal migration from the socio-economic situation of university students, since the phenomenon of internal migration is accelerating the socio-economic situation of the individual, sometimes in a negative way, this limits their access to material and subjective resources necessary for their integral development in the new context. The methodology is based on the general theory of systems for the holistic understanding of reality, in a qualitative and quantitative way, for which an extensive bibliographic review was carried out on the phenomenon of internal migration and the socio- economic situation, this allows not only the understanding of the elements to be investigated but also the development of a questionnaire whose information was analyzed through the SPSS statistical program. The proposal for a post-research solution is the implementation of a peer-to-peer mentoring system that responds to the needs identified in the academic field. above all, the needs for social cohesion and education based on satisfaction with the training process in which they are immersed.
Keywords: Internal Migration, Social Work, Status.
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